Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Issue #1 - Comprehensive vs. Incremental Health Care Reform

Health care is a very big topic of debate in the United States, especially since the new health care bill was passed. Since 2007, there have arisen two main types of health care--comprehensive and incremental. The first focuses on universal health care, while the other simply deals with expanding the existing health care plans and coverage in the country. Those who support the universal health care plan believe that it would greatly help reduce the rising costs of health insurance and other medical costs. Opponents of universal health care are of the opinion that it would add to bureaucracy and rising costs. It is important, though, that despite their opposition to universal health care, not all of these individuals believe that American citizens should not all have the right to health care.

I believe that universal health care would be a good thing for the United States, and for the many citizens who depend on good health care. One positive aspect of this health care program is that people will still be allowed to choose the physicians and institutions that they want. That way, nobody will be forced to lose the doctors, clinics, hospitals, etc. that they like. To fund such programs, there would be some increased taxation of U.S. citizens that belong in the top 5%, but health care amounts are already deducted from many people's pay, it would just be a deduction in a different form. I won't pretend to understand every single aspect of the health care bill, but from what I do understand, I believe that it would be very beneficial for citizens of the United States.


Issue #2

Issue #3

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