Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pastor Terry Jones...Back in the News

Last time we heard about Pastor Terry Jones of Florida, he was contemplating burning Qurans as a way to protest the terror attacks that took place on September 11, 2001. Now, Pastor Jones has been denied entry in Britain! A Home Office spokesperson from Britain said, "The government opposes extremism in all its forms which is why we have excluded Pastor Terry Jones from the UK...numerous comments made by Pastor Jones are evidence of his unacceptable behaviour." The reason this came up was because the pastor had been planning on about a week with his church group in Britain at the beginning of February, during which time he would be taking place in rallies and book signings. Looks like that won't be happening now.

Uff da. This man. Will he never learn that people were just maybe kinda a little upset about his comments and near actions? I respect Britain for making a firm decision to not let him into the country. I'm sure all he would be doing there is causing problems, too, right? Maybe the fact that he was denied entry into a country like a common criminal will act as a wake-up call and get him to realize that the world, and parts of the dear ol' U.S. of A. do not appreciate his ignorant rantings about ways to get back at those gosh darn terrorists. Does he realize that Muslim does not equal terrorist? I don't think so because if he did, Paster Jones would have sense to recognize that burning Qurans isn't effective against terrorism--just making an innocent group of people angry at him and other foolish Americans.

Source: CNN - "Banned in Britain: Pastor Terry Jones"

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